SABE – Still Around


Københavns baserede SABE [FYS RIS] har været aktiv siden 80’erne og er i dag klassificeret som en af verdens mest legendariske graffiti skrivere. Det, der gør Sabe unik, er hans blanding af stilarter og udtryk, hvor han styrer hele graffitispektret fra 2 minutters throw ups og 15 minutters paneler til at bruge en dag eller to med en burner wall. Bogen “SABE Still Around” indeholder 260 sider med over 500 fotos og små historier om Sabes.

I April 22, 2021 skrev at denne bog anses for en af de 10 mest væsentlige graffiti bøger.

“Four lush editions have been released of this book dedicated to the Danish legend. Presented in exquisite packaging and released as a limited edition; however, some don’t include text, others questionable quality in many of their photographs. But they got the formula right for the latest edition – the purple one – which is the best of all. We are talking about one of the most prolific, original and complete writers in the world and that is why each photo of his pieces is worth its weight in gold.”